We are extremely proud about being part of the global B Corp network, that includes inspiring companies from across industries, many of which are sustainability beacons within their field and use their businesses as a vessel for creating real, positive change.


B Corporations use profits and growth to create a positive impact for their employees, communities and the environment. 

In short, to be B Corp certified companies must meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. As part of the assessment, companies are measured on businesses performance in five key categories – governance, workers, customers, community and the environment. Take a closer look at our B Corp score and learn more about the B Corp Framework and Certification.

Below is an overview of some the parameters we are being measured on as part of the B Corp assessment.


  • Mission & engagement
  • Ethics & transparency
  • Governance metrics


  • Career development
  • Engagement & satisfaction
  • Health & safety
  • Compensation & benefits
  • Job flexibility


  • Diversity, equality & inclusion
  • Job creation
  • Supply chain management
  • Civic engagement


  • Environmental management
  • Climate impact
  • Recycling efforts


  • Customer stewardship
  • Data usage & privacy
  • Impact improvement


At The Footprint Firm we have a sole focus on sustainability and we were born out of the vision of wanting to contribute to solving the climate crisis. At the same time, we strive to build an organisation where all workers are treated with respect and share our key  value of being driven by contributing positively to the world.

We have used B Corp as a framework to ensure that the cornerstones of our business reflect our vision – and while the documentation and standards at B Corp are strict, we have embraced the process to give us an indication of our social and environmental performance across all aspects of our business and ensure we have all stakeholders in mind (employees, suppliers, business partners and the broader society) when making strategic or operational decisions.

This work has resulted in a range of internal policies and processes rooted firmly in our approach to sustainability and include some of the below commitments.


Based on our Scope 1-3 CO2e emissions, we have chosen to install an internal carbon tax on ourselves – being of the opinion that this ought to be required by law. We have imposed a tax of DKK 1500 per ton CO2e following the recommendation of The Danish Council on Climate Change and invest the tax in Direct Air Capture with Carbon Storage (DACCS) technologies.

We have chosen this approach since we want to support new technologies that the world is going to depend on to remove carbon from the atmosphere and reach the Paris goals. Currently the high prices for these technologies means that our taxation for 2022 only removes 30.6 tons of CO2 out of a total 123,723 tons of CO2 (~1/4 of The Footprint Firm’s total 2022 emissions). However, our goal is not to be able to claim ‘neutrality’, but to be part of funding new technologies early. We are aware that this is a drop in the ocean given the limited size of our emissions, but we hope this can be of inspiration to others – including much larger players with much greater muscles than ours – to help drive down costs of high-quality carbon removal, so these technologies can become competitive as soon as possible and fight climate change on a much larger scale than current offsetting options.


We select our suppliers with care, based on their environmental and social performance.
We also help suppliers increase their sustainability efforts and we ask them a lot of questions. More specifically, on an annual basis we assess key suppliers’ sustainability efforts and provide sparring on how they can push their ambitions on sustainability further.


We strive for transparency and co-ownership among all employees when it comes to our organisation. It is a central policy of ours to have full transparency around our budgets, salaries, profits and cash position across all members of our organisation. Furthermore, we strive to run our company as democratic as possible including employee representatives in the board, democratic voting on which investments we make, co-ownership of our investments across all employees and central processes and decisions such as internal knowledge building, strategy formulation, hirings etc. involving the entire organisation.